Energy Medicine Session

Energy Medicine sessions work to release stress and how it manifests in the body (including the mind), increasing the overall health and wellness for the individual. One of the things I love about energy medicine, is that it takes the whole self into consideration, how everything is interconnected. After a session, the client leaves healthier, with their body and mind in an enhanced position to take care of itself.

In-Person Session - $120 (tax incl.)
Distant Session - $120 (tax incl.)

Distant Sessions

The wonderful thing about working with energy, is a session doesn't have to necessarily take place in person! What?! Can you believe it?!

I know, a distant session is definitely a different concept to wrap your mind around. It is an area of my services that took me a long time to dive into and embrace. However, distant energy medicine sessions now makes up a big part of my practice (especially with animals) and I just love them.

When an energy medicine session is done distantly, typically we connect before hand for an intake (about yourself and/or your animal). I then hold a hologram (an energetic, three dimensional image) in front of me of the human or animal and work energetically from there to complete the session. I record what comes up and email the recording, there will be a portion of the session that unfolds while I am recording it. However, most will align when you listen to it as the conscious mind is tuning in. A follow up discussion can be scheduled after a session if needed.

Have additional questions about distant sessions? Please don't hesitate to reach out and connect. I have distant clients across Canada and the US and each year I can't get over how this grows.

Distant Session - $120 (tax incl.)

Energy Medicine for Animals

Humans aren’t the only beings who experience stress. Animals living out of their natural environment – such as farm animals, pets, and zoo or sanctuary inhabitants – can also experience a disconnect from their natural coping and self-healing practices that allow them to live healthfully and in harmony with their surroundings.

Session - $120 (tax incl.)
Distant Session - $120 (tax incl.)

*Note: Animal sessions take place at the animals residence. If outside the Midland area, additional travel charges do apply. Please email to book.

Life's Transitions

Needing support moving through a transition with a beloved furry family member? This part of our journey can be heavy hearted and an area where I can help. Sometimes this involves helping an animal feel more comfortable with transitioning, or possibly their human (or both). It may be a session before one transitions or after to help move through the intense emotions of the shift and change.

A lot of what we feel along our life path, we never truly learned how to move through or process. My services do extend into this aspect of life as well.